Florida Department of Health issues mosquito-borne disease alert

Officials were asking Miami-Dade County residents to take precautions in an effort to prevent the mosquito-borne illness

MIAMI-DADE, Fla. – Four people have been diagnosed with dengue fever in Miami-Dade County so far  this year, health officials said Friday.

The three cases of the mosquito-borne illness include a 49-year-old and a 64-year-old, the Florida Department of Health reported.

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Health officials want healthcare providers to contact the department of health if a patient exhibits the symptoms -- headache, fever, fatigue, dizziness, weakness, pain behind the eyes, joint pain and confusion.

Miami-Dade County Mosquito Control continues prevention efforts.


  • Drain standing water to stop mosquitoes from multiplying
  • Cover skin with clothing or repellent
  • Cover doors and windows with screens

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